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 Bac Sample 2 eng

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2 مشترك
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جنسيتي جنسيتي : Bac Sample 2 eng Algeri11

مهنتي : Bac Sample 2 eng Studen10

مزاجــي : Bac Sample 2 eng 85

الجنس الجنس : ذكر

عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2339

تقييم الأعضاء : 10

نقاط نقاط : 280551

العمر العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: Bac Sample 2 eng   Bac Sample 2 eng I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 24 سبتمبر 2010, 09:32

الجمهوريةالجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
مديريةالتربية لولاية تمنراست الشعبة/ 3 لغات اجنبية
ثانوية الشيخ امود التوقيت/ 3 ساعات

Read the text then do the activities:
Children's Television To Cambodia
"WorldEducation is bringing a whole new world of exposure to WGBH. We don't have theskills or resources to reach the Cambodian audience on our own, but through ourpartnership with World Education, we can bring high quality educationaltelevision to Cambodian parents and their children."
- Julie Benyo, Director of Educational Outreach at WGBH.Over the last few years,the importance of early childhood education has gained recognition, as researchhas shown that it can significantly reduce dropout rates in primary school.Yet, access to quality early childhood education in Cambodia remains extremely limitedand less than 15% of Cambodian children attend pre-school.

In aunique partnership, World Education and WGBH television are using educationaltelevision to prepare Cambodian children between 3 and 8-years-old for primaryschool. Despite widespread poverty in Cambodia, over 90% of thepopulation has regular access to television. As communities often share atelevision and families watch together, television seemed a natural way toreach parents and their children. Currently, almost all TV programs in Cambodia aretargeted to adult viewers. Educational television can help children developproblem-solving skills, improve vocabulary, and learn new activities. Forparents and teachers, it can provide a concrete example of the type ofinteractions that best promote children's early development.
Aspart of the CambodiaEducational Media Initiative, World Education is leveraging WGBH's resourcesand expertise to use media in Cambodiato promote quality education. According to Julie Benyo: "World Educationand WGBH have found real synergy in how we can work together to educatechildren and parents."During the early stages of the partnership, WorldEducation found that Peep and the Big Wide World, a production of WGBH,was popular with Cambodian children and well-aligned with the Ministry ofEducation's national learning standards.
Peepand the Big Wide World is the first media project in Cambodia to bedeveloped by a panel of more than ten national Early Childhood Educationexperts and the Ministry of Education. It is based on a curriculum targetedsolely to preschoolers to help them develop the essential skills they will needby the time they enter primary school. After launching Peep in 2007,research demonstrated the positive learning impact of the series on young Cambodianchildren and how it prepared them for school. Findings suggested thatpre-schoolers who watched Peep not only love the show, but tend todemonstrate greater skills in problem solving, perseverance, curiosity, andexperimenting compared to children who had not seen Peep. The CambodiaEducational Media Initiative receives funding from UNICEF and technicalassistance from the Early Childhood Education Department of the Ministry ofEducation.

Source:Internet World Education Reports,Feb,2009
1- Thetext is (0,5): a) narrative b)argumentative c)expository
2-Choose the best answer (01):
a- The text is an extract from a: 1) news article 2) report 3) survey
b- The procedure of the World Education isto reach the Cambodian society through:
1) newspapers 2)television 3) internet
c-Using the media by World Education is aproject which goal is to foster:
1) quantity education 2) high standardseducation 3) serieseducation
d- Peep and the Big Wide World mediaprogramme aims at preparing Cambodian children to:
1) pre-school 2) middleschool 3)post graduation
3- Fillin the following diagram with suitable information from the text:(01)

Possible Benifits by Educational TV


Adults and Parents

4-Answerthese questions according to the text:(1,5)
a) Is early childhood education able to limitabandonment levels in primary schools?
b) Why is TV chosen in Cambodia as a way to reach bothparents and children?
c) Was launching Peep and the Big Wide Worldto the Cambodiaeducation a successful experience? Justify your answer.
5- Readthe text and put the following sentences in the order they appear in the text:(02)
a) The WGBH is based on a programme thathelps improving pre-schoolers'skills.
b) Amounts of money and technical assistanceare given to the CambodiaEducational Initiative.
c) Cambodian pre-schoolers represent a lowpercentage.
d) The WGBH production was welcomed by bothchildren and the Ministry of education.
6- Givethe general idea of the text.(01)
1-Find in the text words whosedefinitions follow:( 0,75)
a) The state of giving up studies (§1)= b) a course of study /aprogramme in a school(§4)=
c) abilities to do things well( §4)=
2-Complete the chart as shown in the example:(01)












3-Askquestions which the underlined words answer(1,5):
a) It is less than 15% .
b) It was a positive learning impact.
c) A Director of Educational Outreachat WGBH.
4-Rewritesentence B so that it means the same as sentence A: (1,5)
1A) "World Education is bringing a wholenew world of exposure to WGBH" , Julie Benyo said.
B) Julie Benyo said…………………………………………………..
2A) Despite widespread poverty in Cambodia, over 90% of the population has regular access to TV.
B) Though poverty…………………………………………………..
5-Classify the words according to the pronunciation of their final / d/:(1,25)
Limited / seemed / targeted / developed /compared

/ id/

/ t /

/ d /

6- Fill in the gaps with the correct wordsfrom the list: (01)
helping – knowledge –learn –teach – preparing- curiosity
WGBH originally produce Peep in the USA with thegoal of …1… children for school. When adapted for the Cambodian audience ,parents …2… how to better engage their children in learning and nurturetheir…3… . That experience has proved the sufficiency of using visual meanssuch as the media to develop …4… .
Choose one of the following topics:
TopicOne: To what extent may the introduction of the media in the educationallearning process helps developing and improving learners skills? These notesmay help you:
- Strong influence of the media on the viewers - Educational programmes/ curriculaencourage learning , enrich vocabulary , fluency ,accuracy,…/ teach lessons , problem solving , widenhorizons , foster knowledge, …
TopicTwo: Can education prevent civilizations from collapse and decline?
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جنسيتي جنسيتي : Bac Sample 2 eng Algeri11

مهنتي : Bac Sample 2 eng Doctor10

مزاجــي : Bac Sample 2 eng 63

الجنس الجنس : انثى

عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 3304

تقييم الإدارة : Bac Sample 2 eng Rating15

تقييم الأعضاء : 29

نقاط نقاط : 276730

العمر العمر : 42

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Bac Sample 2 eng   Bac Sample 2 eng I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 01 أكتوبر 2010, 09:23

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