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 Bac Sample 7 eng

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

جنسيتي جنسيتي : Bac Sample 7 eng Algeri11

مهنتي : Bac Sample 7 eng Studen10

مزاجــي : Bac Sample 7 eng 85

الجنس الجنس : ذكر

عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2339

تقييم الأعضاء : 10

نقاط نقاط : 280551

العمر العمر : 31

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مُساهمةموضوع: Bac Sample 7 eng   Bac Sample 7 eng I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 24 سبتمبر 2010, 09:51

Read thetext carefully then do the activities:
South India Girl Child Initiative
The South India Girl ChildInitiative seeks to expand existing efforts of four local NGOs that amelioratethe social, environmental, and economic conditions that impede girls' educationand decrease girls' vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abusive forms ofchild labor in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu States. The end goals of theInitiative are to improve the educational and health status of adolescent girlsfrom poor and more conservative communities, and to help adolescent girls transitioninto primary school or training to increase their life options anddecrease their risk of being trafficked or entering into other forms of childlabor.
Through the Initiative, thefour partner NGOs, who interact with at least 16 other small local NGOs,community-based groups, and family foundations and trusts in the region, willwork individually and collectively on: Improving the quality and effectivenessof their educational and social development programs for girls;developing andtesting strategies to engage parents, community leaders, schools, andgovernment officials to support, promote and advocate for girls' education;and,contributing to the development of relevant educational and social policy thatis informed and shaped by the needs and realities of girls themselves.
The three-year South IndianGirl Child Initiative aims to increase life options for 1,000 vulnerable girlseach year through direct interventions and upwards of 6,000 through secondaryservices over the course of the project. Secondary beneficiaries will includeabout 100 Indian NGO staff, field workers and teachers. The project willstrengthen community participation and support for girls' education in general,and address the social, educational, economic, and cultural beliefs andpractices that diminish the value of girls' education and promoteabusive child labor practices, including sexual exploitation of children. Itwill also develop a model for collaboration and network-building by grassrootsorganizations that will drive systemic change and can be replicated in otherparts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Source/ Education World Report / Feb, 2009.
1-Circle the letter that correspondsto the right answer:(0,5)
The text is : a) prescriptive b)descriptive c)expository
2- Give the general idea ofthe text: (01)
3- Are these statements true, false or not mentioned in the text? Write T ,F or NM next to the lettercorresponding to the statement.(02)
a) The main purpose of the NGOs is to exploit girls.
b) The Girl Child Initiative tends to changegirls' situation in South India to more securelife by giving them access to school education.
c) National and international groups andorganizations are working in collaboration with the UNICEF to amelioratechildren's educational status in India and fight child laborseverly.
d) The Initiative's project tries to change someexisting beliefs that devaluate girls' position and encourage abusive practiceagainst children.
4- Answer these questions according to the text(1,5)

Poor / school / girl / strengthen .
5-Fill in the gaps with words from the list (02):

Strategy / harness / procedure / limit / brighter / poverty / wealth.
For girls and women living in …1…. , educationis not the key to a ….2…. future , it isalso a key to survival. Using educationas a primary ….3….., the Girls' and Women's Education Initiative aims to ……4…. Thepotential of girls and women to learn , lead and act on their vision of changefor themselves, their families and their communities.
Choose one of the following topics:
TOPIC ONE: How can educationfight trafficking and malpractices in societies ?
These notes may help you: -Education promotesknowledge / awareness , provides secure life / guarantees better livingconditions.
- Gives chances for options in life / strengthens the feeling of self-confidence and pride.
- protects from humiliation and abuse by knowing one's rights and duties.
- provides individuals with strategiesand information on how to deal with matters in life ,……………………….
TOPIC TWO: Do you think that a well-flourishedand civilized society can resist external factors without a strong educationalsystem? Discuss.
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جنسيتي جنسيتي : Bac Sample 7 eng Algeri11

مهنتي : Bac Sample 7 eng Doctor10

مزاجــي : Bac Sample 7 eng 63

الجنس الجنس : انثى

عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 3304

تقييم الإدارة : Bac Sample 7 eng Rating15

تقييم الأعضاء : 29

نقاط نقاط : 276730

العمر العمر : 42

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Bac Sample 7 eng   Bac Sample 7 eng I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 01 أكتوبر 2010, 09:24

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Bac Sample 7 eng
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